epitaxy FM_KPFM self-assembled_monolayer Organic Phase PatternedSapphireSubstrat ring shape Hexacontane Carbon PolyStylene SThM Polyimide PolymerPatterns Led Anneal IIT-chennai Bismuth SrTiO3 aluminum_nitride Austenite Scratch PS_PVAC Fluoride fe_nd_b LightEmission University_of_Regensburg OrganicSemiconductor VortexCore fluorocarbon HexagonalBoronNitride Metal-organicComplex ForceVolumeImage Litho PVAC ScanningIon-ConductanceMicroscopy
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Star of Graphene
Scanning Conditions
- System : NX20
- Scan Mode: Non-contact
- Scan Rate : 0.6 Hz
- Scan Size : 2.5μm×2.5μm
- Pixel Size : 256×256
- Cantilever : Multi75-G (k=3N/m, f=75kHz)