TriGlycineSulphate GaAs Strontium ForceDistanceSpectroscopy VortexCore LateralForceMicroscopy Au111 pinpoint mode PinPointMode self-assembly GlassTemperature HardDiskMedia light_emission Cell DomainSwitching Lift PpLdpe Dimethicone SiliconeOxide TungstenThinFilmDeposition SrTiO3 lithography gallium_nitride Polyimide Water Laser LiIonBattery Spincast MLCC BaTiO3 Pinpoint OxideLayer norganic ring shape ShenYang
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Christmas Ball Lithography on Si
Create oxidation layers on bare Si surface using bias mode of lithography.
Scanning Conditions
- System: NX10
- Scan Mode: Lithography
- Cantilever: AD-40-SS (k=40N/m, f=200kHz)
- Scan Size: 40μm×40μm
- Scan Rate: 0.5Hz
- Pixel Size: 1024 × 1024
- Tip Bias: -10V for patterened area
- Scan Mode: Lithography
- Cantilever: AD-40-SS (k=40N/m, f=200kHz)
- Scan Size: 40μm×40μm
- Scan Rate: 0.5Hz
- Pixel Size: 1024 × 1024
- Tip Bias: -10V for patterened area