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Pushing the LIMITS of Magnetic Force Microscopy

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The University Paris-Saclay and Park Systems are excited to invite you to a workshop on Magnetic Force Microscopy and its latest developments, taking place in person on 9 -10 March 2023 at the Laboratoire de Physique des Solides (LPS) in Orsay, France.

Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM) is an Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) method used for investigating and mapping magnetic properties of surfaces. It is the ideal technique to image the spatial distribution of magnetic states in a sample. In vacuum, MFM offers improved sensitivity and thus allows for high-resolution magnetic domain imaging.

In various fields of study from material research to biological sciences, MFM is an important tool for detecting nanoscale magnetic domains by measuring the interaction force between a magnetic tip and sample.


Date: 9 -10 March 2023

Time: Day 1 from 02.00 - 06.00 pm and Day 2 from 8.30 am - 12.30 pm

Venue: Amphitheatre Room, Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, 510 Rue André Rivière, 91400 Orsay, France*


In this workshop you will learn about the latest advances in magnetic force microscopy, such as:

  • •   the newly developed coupled out-of-plane and in-plane Magnetic Field Generator with variable field strengths allowing for maximum flexibility and customized MFM experiments
  • •   advantages of MFM when measuring in vacuum


The new generation MFM addresses research areas dealing with studies of the magnetic multilayers, ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic and 2D materials. It also improves the visualization and manipulation of magnetic topological defects, like ferromagnetic domain walls and skyrmions.

The investigation of those materials is crucial for the future application in:

  • •   Data storage and information encoding
  • •   Cryptology
  • •   Magnetic recording media


The workshop will include live demonstrations on the of the Park NX10 AFM using the Magnetic Field Generator.


The two-days event is free of charge, open to all interested scientist and requires a registration in advance.

Deadline: 28 February 2023


A special THANK YOU to Stanislas Rohart from LPS for hosting this event.




Please note, that the program is not yet final and will be updated on a regular basis.

Day 1

  • 2.00 pm - Welcome & Introduction
  • 2.10 pm - Sujit Panigrahy (Laboratory of Solid State Physics, France)
    Title: "Studying magnetic Skyrmions with MFM"
  • 2.45 pm - Prof. Lukas Eng (Technical University of Dresden, Germany) 
    Title: "Co-existing Skyrmion-Phases in Cu2OSeO3 - an MFM study"
  • 3.20 pm - Dr. Andrea Cerreta (Park Systems Europe, Germany)
    Title: Enabling in- and out-of-plane magnetic field modulation for MFM imaging on Park Systems AFM tools
  • 3.55 pm - COFFEE BREAK
  • 4.10 pm - Live Demo on Park FX40 AFM
    by Dr. Andrea Cerreta (Park Systems Europe, Germany)
  • 5.10 pm - Q & A
  • 5.30 pm - Closing Remarks
  • 6.00 pm - Evening Program


Day 2

  • 8.30 am - Welcome & Introduction
  • 8.40 am -  Ana Parente (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain)
    Title: "Different artificial spin ices (ASIs) geometries and low dimensional effects in superconducting nanostructures based on ASI."
  • 9.15 am - Prof. Mingdong Dong (Aarhus University, Denmark)
    Title: "Mapping Magnetic Property of Crystalline Nanomaterials by Magnetic Force Microscopy"
  • 9.50 am - Christopher Habenschaden (PTB National Metrology Institute, Germany)
    Title: "Quantitative high sensitivity Magnetic Force Microscopy in Vacuum"
  • 10.25 am - COFFEE BREAK
  • 10.40 am -  Live Demo on Park NX10 AFM
  • by Dr. Andrea Cerreta (Park Systems Europe, Germany)
  • 11.40 am -  Q&A
  • 12.00 pm - Closing Remarks




*Please note that this will be a live and in-person event, which will neither be streamed nor recorded.

If you have questions regarding the workshop, you can contact Katja Kiffner from Park Systems Europe.