NUS_Physics ScanningKelvinProbeMicroscopy Corrosion MagneticForceMicroscopy PVA hetero_structure MLCC PhthalocyaninePraseodymium Photovoltaics temperature_control Dental MonoLayer doped TappingMode Polymer StrontiumTitanate NiFe Scratch I-VSpectroscopy Heat biocompatible Yeditepe_University oxide_layer OpticalModulator UnivOfMaryland #EC TriGlycineSulphate DiffractiveOpticalElements Electical&Electronics Pinpoint PFM CuSubstrate Laser mono_layer Pattern SolarCell
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- System: NX10
- Scan Mode: Non-contact
- Cantilever: AC160TS (k=26N/m, f=300kHz)
- Scan Size: 10μm×10μm
- Scan Rate: 0.5Hz
- Pixel: 512×512