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AFM Seminar & Discussion - Innovative Research and the Technology behind Atomic Force Microscopy


TU Dresden, Experimental Physics / Photophysics Department and Park Systems are pleased to invite you to “AFM Seminar & Discussion – Innovative Research and the Technology behind Atomic Force Microscopy.” 

A special guest, Dr. Sang-il Park, Founder and CEO of Park Systems who was the first to commercialize the AFM, will hold a talk on the technological innovations and high-level atomic force microscopy solutions. Together with our host, Prof. Lukas Eng, we will discuss the application of atomic force microscopy in academic research fields.


•  Event Date and Time: October 18, 10:00

sangilparkDr.Sang-il Park
Chairman & CEO, Park Systems
Program overview

Start: 10:00
•  Welcome
•  Dr. Sang-Il Park: “Automatizing AFM using Self Optimizing Scan Control”
•  Discussion
•  Closing remarks
End: ca. 12:00

    TU Dresden 
    Hermann-Krone Bau 
    Nöthnitzer Str. 61 
    01187 Dresden 
    Raum KRO 1.11A.

The seminar is free of charge and open to all interested researchers.

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Dresden on October 18.