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23 03 28 30 DPG Spring Meeting Banner


The Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft e. V. (DPG) will be holding its 2023 Spring Meeting & Xxhibition on March 28 - 30, 2023 at the Technical University of Dresden, Germany. Park Systems is delighted be a part of this event as an exhibitor!

From the innovative automation features for nanoscale imaging to highly effective vibration control for accurate and high-resolution measurements, we will be featuring live Park Systems demo tools directly at our booth H07 + H08! Join us for live demonstrations on:

  • • The FX40 Automatic AFM with inbuilt AI and machine learning
  • • The Accurion i4 - active vibration isolation system
  • • The Accurion ep4 imaging ellipsometer with the highest lateral ellipsometric resolution of 1 µm and compatibility with AFM, QCM-D, reflectometry and Raman.

Book a demo slot 

On the top of that, we will be presenting a poster on “Exploring Twistronicsin Layered Materials with Atomic Force Microscopy" during the Chemical and Polymer Physics Division (CPP). Meet us at the poster stand to discuss the visualization techniques of mechanical properties on the nanoscale.

When: Monday 27th of March from 6 to 8 pm at P3

To acknowledge the best poster, Park Systems is proud to support the CPP Poster Session and award the 3 best posters with Park AFM Scholarship certificates.

  • Event Dates: 28 – 30 March
  • Venue: Technical University of Dresden
  • Our location: booth #H07 + H08 at the Lecture Hall Centre


Poster abstract:

From a Completely Different Angle…
Exploring Twistronicsin Layered Materials with Atomic Force Microscopy Presenting

Presenting Author: Alexander Klasen¹
Co-Authors: James Kerfoot², Vladimir Korolkov², Andrea Cerreta¹

¹Park Systems Europe GmbH, Schildkrötstraße 15, Mannheim, Germany
²Park Systems UK Limited, MediCity Nottingham Thane Road NG90 8BH, Nottingham, UK



Single atomic layer-based systems emerged as a promising class of materials with unique optical, mechanical, and electronic properties that could provide a pathway to novel applications.¹'² Their two-dimensional nature gives rise to a wide range of tunability since their functional properties do not only depend on the type of atoms and bonds within one plane but also on the strain, local defects, and interplay between adjacent layers.³'⁴

Here, we present Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) based approaches as an ideal toolbox to map various functional properties of 2D materials and heterostructures on a nanometer scale. More specifically, by deterministically breaking and re-stacking single flakes of layered materials, we form homostructures of both hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) and molybdenum disulfide (MoS2 ) Investigating ferroelectric superlattices on a hexagonal boron nitride bilayer on a graphene single layer, we can induce domain switching when applying a constant DC potential and study them via Piezoelectric Force Microscopy.⁵'⁶

We will show how conductive AFM (C-AFM) and Lateral Force Microscopy (LFM) allow imaging strain variations as distorted domains in both the current channel and the lateral force channel.

In summary, we present AFM as a versatile platform to image various surface properties on a nm scale which renders this method a valuable tool for understanding 2D materials and developing future applications.

  • ¹ Y. Hittori et al. ACS Nano 9, 1, 916 (2015)
  • ² A. Ranjan et al. ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 3, 8, 3547 (2021
  • ³ R. Ribeiro-Palau et al. Science 361, 6403, 690 (2018)
  • ⁴ U. Zerweck et al. Phys. Rev. B, 71 (2005), 125424
  • ⁵ C. R. Woods et al. Nat Commun. 12, 347 (2021)
  • ⁶ K. Yasuda et al. Science 372, 6549 1458 (2021)


About the DPG Society:

Founded in 1845, the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG, "German Physical Society") is the world's largest organization of physicists. The DPG's worldwide membership is cited as 62,656, as of 2016. It holds an annual conference (Jahrestagung) and multiple spring conferences (Frühjahrstagungen), which are held at various locations and along topical subjects of given sections of the DPG. The DPG serves the fields of pure and applied physics. Main aims are to bring its members and all physicists living in Germany closer together, represent their entirety outwards as well as foster the exchange of ideas between its members and foreign colleagues. The DPG binds itself and its members to advocate for freedom, tolerance, veracity and dignity in science and to be aware about the fact, that the people working in science are responsible to a particularly high extent for the configuration of the overall human activity.

Link: https://www.dpg-physik.de/veranstaltungen/2023/dpg-fruehjahrstagung-skm