India AnodizedAluminumOxide Barium_titanate Sulfur VinylAlcohol DentalProsthesis Zhi WS2 China VerticalPFM Hexacontane BiasMode FrictionForce Array BiVO4 ring shape epitaxy Korea norganic MolecularSelfAssembly Optoelectronic HACrystal Spincast Polyurethane Molybdenum_disulfide AAO C_AFM mono_layer Workfunction pulsed_laser_deposition Metal PinpointNanomechanicalMode Vanadate Magnetic Force Microscopy STO
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Hard defect repair of photomask
Scanning Conditions
- System : NX-Mask
- Scan Mode: Non-contact for imaging Sweep for repairing
- Scan Rate : 0.3 Hz
- Scan Size : 1.25μm×1.25μm
- Pixel Size : 256×256
- Cantilever : OMCL-AC160TS for imaging, AD-40 AS for repairing (k=42N/m, f=330kHz)