Non-ContactMode C60H122 AtomicSteps Fujian Organic Conductance fifber NusEce Lateral_Force_Microscopy Formamidinium_lead_iodide cannabidiol ThinFilm Hysteresys Inorganic_Compound Wildtype ito_film Defects mechanical_property Spincast Ferrite Mechanical&nanotechnology high_resolution Fe_film Piezoresponse Anneal NTU Metal Reading contact Singapore BiVO4 Ananth Copolymer Plug Thermal
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Diamond with plated / gold nickel
Scanning Conditions
- System : NX20
- Scan Mode: Non-contact
- Scan Rate : 0.49 Hz for 30μm2, 4μm2 / 0.6 Hz for 2.25m2
- Scan Size : 30μm2, 2.25μm2, 4μm2
- Pixel Size : All 256×256
- Cantilever : AD-2.8-AS (k=2.8N/m, f=75kHz)