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Dear Park AFM Users, we are pleased to announce Park Rewards for Application Notes program on the use of Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) in your research or industrial application.  The reward for each accepted application note is a box of high quality Park AFM cantilevers valued at $400 (USD).  There will be no limit on the number of prizes that will be given out.  So, please roll up your sleeves, get on your computer and type away an interesting or informative AFM application note to us and receive your reward!

General Guideline
Length:  500 ~ 1500 words
Content:  Title, Introduction, Main body, Conclusion, References
Images:  should have at least 2 scanned images

The accepted application note will be published on ParkAFM.com website, in its newsletters and/or in any other media decided by Park at its sole discretion.

For any questions, or to send in your application note for rewards entry, please email us to <rewards @ parkafm.com>.