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Park Systems NX-BIO

 Park NX-Bio is the answer researchers in bio science have been looking for - three dimensional, high resolution in-liquid imaging with high productivity and bio-surface mechanical property characterizing in one simple automated tool.


Santa Clara, CA January 28, 2015

Park Systems, a leading manufacturer of atomic force microscopy (AFM) and nanoscale metrology products, proudly introduces Park NX-Bio, a powerful 3-in-1 bio-research tool that uniquely combines scanning ion conductance microscopy (SICM) with AFM and an inverted optical microscope (IOM) on the same platform. This advanced tool with its automatic running software provides researchers with reliable and repeatable in-liquid imaging of nanoscale cell structure in high resolution. NX-Bio is the next step in the advancement of nanoscale imaging innovation for life science research.

"Park NX-Bio is the latest in nanoscale imaging advancement for bio-research, providing capabilities never before available in one piece of equipment," comments Dr. Sang-il Park, Park Systems CEO. "Park NX-Bio is the answer researchers in bio science have been looking for - three dimensional, high resolution in-liquid imaging with high productivity and bio-surface mechanical property characterizing in one platform."

Park NX-Bio's SICM component is used for three dimensional in-liquid imaging of the surface morphology of micrometer sized bio-objects (single/multiple cell and tissue) at 30 nanometer resolution. The NX-Bio's SICM features the ability to do high resolution physiological observation of bio-objects in-liquid imaging without physical contact and sample deformation. AFM capability is used to detect and image even smaller bio-objects (under 10 nanometer) such as DNA and protein.

Park NX-Bio is designed to be used as a surface mechanical property measuring tool for biological objects using AFM force-distance (FD) spectroscopy. FD spectroscopy can examine sub-micro newton range force through cantilever tip on the sample and characterize stiffness, adhesion force, and young's modulus of biological materials. The FD spectroscopy range for NX-Bio's property map is called force volume and it provides much detailed information of visualized relative difference of mechanical property as an image.

The IOM of Park NX-Bio can be used to observe transparent biological samples through its bright field and phase contrast microscopies, and measure their heights in micrometer range utilizing its SICM or AFM capabilities built inside Park NX-Bio. In addition, Park NX-Bio eanbles advanced level of understanding and discovery of inner cell molecular behavior through a combined data obtained from confocal and fluorescence microscopies (up to 100X magnification) and corresponding surface physiology changes observed and measured by its SICM and AFM.

"Park NX-Bio combines AFM, SCIM and IOM into one advanced imaging tool that puts scientific researchers at the threshold of new levels of understanding for biological life science exploration," comments Mr. Keibock Lee, President of Park Systems, Inc. "Our role is to continue to develop protocols in imaging equipment that enable advancements in scientific exploration and application of nanotechnology to benefit the society."

Microscopic results from SICM with AFM, or SICM with IOM (fluorescence, confocal microscopy), or AFM with IOM are easily configured in one platform using Park NX-Bio. The real-like morphology of bio-objects, observed by SICM also strengthens the logical explanation for the bio-mechanical property characterization data, measure by the force-distance spectroscopy of AFM, providing an intuitive grasp of the relation of morphology and fundamental bio-physics (stiffness, adhesion, and elasticity) of the measured objects.

Another feature of NX-Bio is the live cell chamber NX-Bio, designed to replicate a true physiological experiment under optimal temperature, pH, and humidity from which the living bio-activity can be maintained during imaging. Now researchers can explore simultaneous experimental explanations from each microscopy. The combination of 3 imaging tools in Park NX-Bio creates boundless scenarios to obtain and contrast data for life science researchers.

About Park Systems
Park Systems is a world-leading manufacturer of atomic force microscopy (AFM) nanoscale metrology systems with a complete range of products for researchers and industry engineers in chemistry, materials, physics, life sciences, semiconductor and data storage industries. Park's products are used by over a thousand of institutions and corporations worldwide. Park's AFM provides highest data accuracy at nanoscale resolution, superior productivity, and lowest operating cost thanks to its unique technology and innovative engineering. Park Systems, Inc. is headquartered in Santa Clara, California with its global manufacturing, and R&D headquarters in Korea. Park's products are sold and supported worldwide with regional headquarters in the US, Korea, Japan, and Singapore, and distribution partners throughout Europe, Asia, and America. Please visit http://www.parkafm.com or call 408-986-1110 for more information.