CompactDisk InorganicCompound Mapping Magnets ForceVolumeImage Optical Oxide Film FAFailureAnlaysis Piezo OpticalWaveguides TipBiasMode WS2 Hexatriacontane Conductance Perovskite Phenanthrene Pipette Fluoride FM_SKPM hetero_structure Permalloy NeodymiumMagnets dielectric trench align CrAu Monisha NCM\ Cobalt-dopedIronOxide NiFe Water ElectroChemical fe_nd_b Hafnium_dioxide Pores
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Galfenol (Alloy of iron and gallium)
Scanning Conditions
- System: XE15
- Scan Mode: MFM
- Cantilever: MFMR (k=2.8N/m, f=70kHz)
- Scan Size: 40μm×40μm
- Scan Rate: 0.5Hz
- Pixel: 256×256
- MFM Lift height: 50nm