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06 12 15 SCANDEM Uppsala Banner

The 73rd Annual Meeting of the Nordic Microscopy Society - The SCANDEM 2023 - will take place from 12 to 15 June at the Uppsala University Ångström Laboratory in Uppsala, Sweden. Park Systems is proud to take a part as an exhibitor for the first time!

This event is is organized by Uppsala University and the Nordic Microscopy Society and for many years has been an important forum for leading international research groups in industry and academia to meet and discuss the latest trends and developments in microscopy focused on material science and biology.

Date: 12-15 June 2023
Place: House 10, Ångström Laboratory, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden

Visit our booth to discuss with us high-performance AFMs that impact science!



Link: https://user.it.uu.se/~idsin102/SCANDEM2023/