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2023 KPS Spring Header

2023 Korean Physical Society Spring Meeting will be held at the Daejeon Convention Center from April 19 to 21, 2023, and Park Systems will introducing a variety of products, including the Park FX40 automated AFM.
Please visit Park's booth and experience the Park FX40 with automation, accuracy, and convenience, as well as the effective vibration control device for high-resolution measurements, and more!


I DATE : 2023. 4. 19(Wed) - 21(Fri)

I VENUE: Daejeon Convention Center (DCC)


About the Korean Physical Society

The Korean Physical Society was founded in Pusan[Busan] in 1952 during the Korea War.
Since then, the organization has played a role to provide the sphere for sharing the academic performances and exchanges among the domestic scholars and researchers according to establishment of department of physics in various universities in Korea, supports and subsidies from the government, establishment of laboratories and institutes subsidized by the government, and increasing population of researchers in physics. As a result, the members have been increased to around 15,000 by 2020 and there are twelve sub-fields and eight branches in Korea.
