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Park Systems Japan will be supporting MSST 2021!

Date: February 21st Monday, 2022 

Venue: Hybrid (Kanazawa Hakkei Campus, Kanto Gakuin University, Yokohama, Japan & Online)


This conference focuses on advanced and frontier materials and surface technologies applicable to wide ranged fields such as Electronics, Optoelectronics, Molecular Electronics, Nano- and Micro-Science and Technology, Energy, Micro- and Nano-Machines (MEMS, NEMS), Chemical and Biomedical materials. The conference also focuses on interdisciplinary research topics related to Environment not only from a viewpoint of technology but also from social and economic point of view. The conference intends to provide a latest technical session for researchers and a forum for educators and business leaders around the world to exchange state-of-the-art research and development and identify research needs and opportunities in these emerging fields.

Topics of Interest: 

  • Advanced and frontier materials and surface technologies applicable to wide ranged fields such as Electronics, Optoelectronics, Molecular Electronics, Nano- and Micro-Science and Technology, Energy, Micro- and Nano-Machines (MEMS, NEMS), Chemical and Biomedical materials.
  • Interdisciplinary research topics related to Environment not only from a viewpoint of technology but also from social and economic point of view.

Invited Speakers:

Prof. G. P. Li, University of California, Irvine, USA
Dr. Kazuhiko Nishi, University of Tokyo, Japan
Specially Appointed Prof. Shiro Tsukamoto, University of Electro-Communications, Japan
Dr. Seok Lee, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
Mr. Tomio Isogai, MIT World Peace University, India

Visit http://home.kanto-gakuin.ac.jp/~kg064010/msst2021.html for more information!