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 2018 nanoscienctific symposium

Sponsored by Park Systems
& NanoScientific Magazine
September 19-20, 2018
Park Nanoscience Center
257 Fuller Road
SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Albany, NY 12203


FREE to the next 50 people to register upon confirmation!
After that, just:
$100 for Professors and Industry Professionals
$50 for Post-Docs and Students


Park Systems and NanoScientific Publications are proud to announce the 2018 NanoScientific Symposium on Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM), a new venue for nanoscience researchers, scientists, and engineers to learn about the latest studies being formed using SPM. Keynote speakers from both academia and industry will be on hand to talk about the current cutting-edge work being performed in their laboratories and discuss the headway they have made with SPM in some of the hottest fields and topics in nanoscience today.

Speakers for the 2018 NanoScientific Symposium on SPM at SUNY Polytechnic Institute

Dr. Alain Diebold, SUNY Polytechnic Institute, Interim Dean of the College of Nanoscale Science; Empire Innovation Professor of Nanoscale Science; Executive Director, Center for Nanoscale Metrology. The main focus of Professor Diebold's research is in the area of nanoscale metrology and materials science. Measurement of nanoscale films and structures requires a thorough understanding of the role of uniquely nanoscale phenomena on the properties of nanoscale semiconductors and metals.
“Measurement Challenges arising from New Semiconductor Materials and Structures for Integrated Circuits”

Dr. Gwo Ching Wang, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), Travelstead Institute Chair, Physics, Applied Physics & Astronomy. Research focus on growth, characterization, and physics of thin films and nanostructures using state-of-art techniques.
“Ultrathin layered materials studied by AFM and MFM”

Phil Kaszuba, Global Foundries Senior Member of Technical Staff. Lead engineer in their Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) laboratory, which performs analyses on state of the art semiconductor devices and nanostructures.
“Meeting the Challenges in Analyzing State-of-the-art Semiconductor Devices Using Scanning Probe Microscopy”

Dr. Rigoberto Advincula,Case Western Reserve University, Professor with the Department of Macromolecular Science and Engineering; University of Houston, Research Professor at the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Editor-in-chief of MRS Communications.
“Functional Graphene Oxide (GO) Templated Patterning and Anti-Microbial Properties”

Dr. Jiahua Zhu, PhD, University of Akron, Associate Professor, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. His lab focuses on the fundamental study of polymer nanocomposites (PNCs) and carbon nanocomposites (CNCs) and their applications in the fields of energy conversion and storage, environment remediation, catalysis, electronic devices & bioengineering.
“Quantitative Thermal Conductivity Analysis with Scanning Thermal Microscopy”

Dr. John A Marohn, ,Cornell University, Professor & Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of Chemistry; Chemical Biology Member, Field of Materials Science & Engineering. His group is focused on imaging the structure and function of materials at the nanometer scale, pushing magnetic resonance imaging to nanoscale resolution in order to study individual biomolecules.
“Advances in Electric Force Microscopy: (1) Sub-cycle Changes in Photocapacitance in Organic Photovoltaics, (2) Anomalous Light-induced Conductivity in Lead-Halide Perovskites, and (3) a Unified Lagrangian-Mechanics Theory of Scanning-Probe Electrical Measurements”

Dr. Yiping Zhao, University of Georgia, Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy; Director, Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center. Research focused on nanofabrication using glancing angle deposition (GLAD) or dynamic shadowing growth (DSG), chemical and biological sensor development based on surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) or plasmonics, chiral plasmonic structure fabrication and characterization, novel nano-photocatalyst development and applications, catalytic nanomotors and novel stroke treatment strategy.
“When glancing angle deposition meets with colloidal lithography … ”

Dr. Ye Tao, Rowland Institute at Harvard. The Tao Lab seeks structure-property relationships in nanoscale, heterogeneous matter through the development of single-nucleon magnetic resonance imaging.
“Learning in Fundamental Atomistic Processes Using Suspended Silicon Nanowires”

Dr. Nancy A. Burnham, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Associate Professor of Physics & Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering. The study of the interaction of the last few atoms on a sharply pointed tip with a sample surface is my first love. Usually performed via Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM).
“The Complex Polymers Beneath Your Feet”


Do not miss your chance to join this great opportunity to learn and network with some of the best and brightest in materials characterization! Register today using the form at the bottom of this page.

Key Dates

  • Deadline to submit abstracts
  • Saturday, June 30, 2018
  • Announcement of presenters
  • Sunday, July 15, 2018

The first day of the symposium (Wednesday, September 19) will be composed of talks and discussions covering areas such as (but not limited to):

  • 2D and other nanomaterials
  • Polymers and composites
  • Electronics, magnetics, and photonics
  • Sustainable energy applications
  • Semiconductor and MEMS process and fabrication
  • Analytical chemistry
  • Biology, biomedicine, and other life sciences

The second day of the symposium (Thursday, September 20) will focus on a short course for AFM with access to live AFM systems at Park Nanoscience Center. Space for the day two short course and demo is limited to a maximum of 30 people - Register Now!


Park Nanoscience Center at SUNY

The NanoScientific Symposium on SPM will be held Sept. 19-20th at the Park Nanoscience Center at SUNY Poly’s Albany NanoTech Complex, a fully-integrated research, development, prototyping, and educational facility and home to the College of Nanoscale Sciences and the College of Nanoscale Engineering and Technology Innovation.