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The 2nd UK Park Systems AFM seminar is aimed at both experienced AFM users as well as people new to the field of AFM.

The format of the day will include an introduction to AFM, an overview of the Park Systems product portfolio and a detailed explanation of the different modes available within the Park Systems AFMs.

As part of this seminar we will include an introduction to the new Park Systems SmartScan™ AFM control software during a live demonstration of an NX10 AFM system.

There will be a complimentary lunch provided on the day as well as refreshments throughout the day. Delegate places are strictly limited, so early registration is advised.


l  Event Dates : February 11, 2016

l Venue : Manchester Meeting Place - Manchester University, UK

l Registration: http://lot-qd.com/events/single-view/afm-seminar-surrey

l Programme:

09:30 Registration & Coffee
10:00 Introduction to LOT-QuantumDesign Ltd and Park Systems, Heath Young, LOT-QuantumDesign Ltd
10:05 Theory and evolution of AFM, Heath Young, LOT-QuantumDesign Ltd
10:35 An introduction to the Park Systems AFM product range; including XE7, NX10 and NX20,  Heath Young, LOT-QuantumDesign Ltd
11:00 Coffee break
11:15 SmartScan AFM control software, Jason Jung, Park Systems
11:30 AFM modes and techniques, Cathy Lee, Park Systems
12:15 Lunch
13:15 Live demonstration of the NX10 AFM system and introduction to the new SmartScan™ AFM control software (auto + manual modes), Cathy Lee, Park Systems
14:30 Coffee break
14:45 Advanced modes within the SmartScan™ AFM control software, Cathy Lee, Park Systems
15.30 Discussion and close