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2014 Schaefer & Park User Group Meeting

 We are delighted to be able to invite you to attend the Schaefer & Park User Group Meeting and Workshops on April 2, 2014 in Dresden, Germany. This meeting serves as an international forum to discuss and learn about Park’s AFM, and how it is used in various fields such as biological science, hard disk drive and semiconductor technology, failure analysis and general research. It brings together practitioners and researchers from Germany and some neighbor countries to explore and examine how Park’s equipments are used in different industries.
Date / Time Wednesday, April 2, 2014
09:30 Get Together (Coffee)
09:45 Welcome and Overview (Martin Schaefer)
10:00 Self-Introduction of Participants
(Area of activity, how is Park AFM used, Applications, Expectations)
11:15 Park Systems Technology Update
(Ryan Yoo) (45 min presentation)
Break(Finger foods and Drinks)
12:30 Presentation and hands-on training
Park XE - general Topography imaging

(True non-contact; Phase; Lateral Force; etc)
(Cathy Lee, Michael Kuhne)
13:30 Presentation and hands-on training
Park XE - Dielectric/Piezoelectric properties

(EFM, PFM, KPFM, etc)
(Cathy Lee, Michael Kuhne)
15:00 Presentation and hands-on training
Park XE - Electrical properties

(C-AFM; SCM; etc)
(Cathy Lee, Michael Kuhne)
16:30 Presentation and hands-on training
Park XE - Other modes and questions

(Cathy Lee, Michael Kuhne)
Venue TBA
Source Please contact info@schaefer-tec.com for information how to register