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2019 NanoScientific Symposium Korea, which will become a community for AFM researchers in Korea, will be held at the Suwon Convention Center from August 28 to 29, 2019.
This event hosted by Korean Society of Microscopy, organized by SPM Society and sponsored by Park Systems Corp., will focus on introducing and sharing various AFM application technologies with experts in Korea’s nanotechnology and AFM fields.
In particular, a tutorial session will be held on Wednesday, August 28, with a lecture on the basic principles and applications of AFM by Professor Haesung Lee of Jeonju University, including experience of AFM. We’re looking forward to sharing information on the latest trends in AFM application technology and increasing exchanges between AFM researchers at the NanoScientific Symposium Korea.
We hope that many of you will participate and help us make this event a success.


Prof. Minseok S. Kim

Dept. of New Biology, DGIST
- Biophysical property based isolation of circulating tumor cells towards personalized medicine

Prof. Yunseok Kim

School of Advanced Materials Science and Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU)
- Industrial applications of AFM: local evaluation of adhesion, modulus, piezoelectricity, and ferroelectricity

Prof. Tae-Gon Kim

Dept. of Smart Convergence Engineering, Hanyang University
- 3D-AFM for Sidewall Surface Characterization

Prof. Hoon-Kyu Shin

Division of Advanced Materials Science, Graduate School, Pohang University of Science and Technology
- Biological Application of Atomic Force Microscope : Single Cell Manipulation and Bio-Molecular Interaction

Prof. Yong Joong Lee

School of Mechanical Engineering, Kyungpook National University

Prof. Haesung Lee

Carbon and Nano Materials Engineering, Jeonju University

Dr. Sang-Joon Cho

VP of Park Systems and Director of R&D Center at Advanced Institute of Convergence Technology, SNU
- Quantitative Automated AFM Technologies for Industrial Applications

Ph.D. Sungsik Kim

SK Hynix

Ph.D. Eunpa Kim

Samsung Electronics

TUTORIAL SESSION (August 28, 2019)

A session that provides researchers interested in AFM with a lecture on basic principles and application techniques of AFM and an opportunity to experience AFM

Invited Speaker: Prof. Haesung Lee (Carbon and Nano Materials Engineering, Jeonju University)