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Park Systems, SUNY Polytechnic and NanoScientific Publications are proud to announce the 2nd Annual NanoScientific Symposium on Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM), a venue for nanoscience researchers, scientists, and engineers to learn about the latest studies being formed using SPM. Featured Speakers from both academia and industry will be on hand to talk about the current cutting-edge work being performed in their laboratories and discuss the headway they have made with SPM in some of the hottest fields and topics in nanoscience today.

Featured Speakers

Dr. Rigoberto Advincula
Professor, Macromolecular Science and Engineering
Case Western Reserve University
Research Professor, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
University of Houston
MRS Communications

Dr. Ji Ung Lee
Professor of Nanoscale Engineering
SUNY Polytechnic Institute

Nathaniel Cady, Ph.D.
Professor, Colleges of Nanoscale Science & Engineering
SUNY Polytechnic Institute

Phil Kaszuba
Senior Member of Technical Staff, Lead Engineer, Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) Laboratory
Global Foundries

Dr. Gwo Ching Wang
Travelstead Institute Chair, Physics, Applied Physics & Astronomy
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)

Dr. Ye Tao
Rowland Fellow
Rowland Institute at Harvard

Dr. Jia Deng
Assistant Professor, Department of Systems Science and Industrial Engineering
Binghamton University – State University of New York

Dr. Martin Edwards
Research Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry
University of Utah

Dr. Lane Baker
James L. Jackson Professor of Chemistry
Indiana University

Dr. Jin-Woo Han
Research Scientist
Johnson Space Center

Dr. Jiahua Zhu
Associate Professor, Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
The University of Akron

Additional speakers and presenters will be announced soon.

Short Courses and Demo Activities

Day Two of the symposium will feature short courses along with demo samples in the Park Nanoscience Center Demo Lab. More information on course topics coming soon.


Park Nanoscience Center at SUNY

The NanoScientific Symposium on SPM will be held Sept. 19-20th at the Park Nanoscience Center at SUNY Poly’s Albany NanoTech Complex, a fully-integrated research, development, prototyping, and educational facility and home to the College of Nanoscale Sciences and
the College of Nanoscale Engineering and Technology Innovation.