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Park Systems, the leading atomic force microscope (AFM) and nano-metrology solutions partner for the most accurate AFM results, is proud to be an official sponsor of the International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology (ICN+T2012) in Paris, France from July 23rd to 27th.The company symposium will be held in the Grand Amphitheatre  (Saint-Germain site, next to the exhibition hall) from 18:00 to 19:00 on Tuesday, July 24th.

Also visit us at Booth #1, and learn about the latest technological advances in AFM and scanning ion conductance microscopy (SICM). We will introduce you Park NX10, The World's Most Accurate AFM, featuring the industry’s only True Non-Contact AFM and True Sample Topography.  Park NX10 enables you to image samples at unprecedented high accuracy and resolution thanks to its industry-leading Z-servo speed, XYZ scanner linearity, closed-loop detector noise, and minimized thermal drift.

The symposium covers three topics as below:

I.              Dr. Sang-il Park, CEO and Chairman of Park Systems 
(Park is Your Nanotechnology Solutions Partner)

II.            Dr. Ryan Yoo, VP of Global Sales & Marketing
(Partnership for Accurate AFM Solutions)

III.           Dr.Sang-Joon Cho, Chief Scientist and Director of R&D 
(Single Live Cell Study by Ion Conductance Microscopy)


