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Tokyo, Japan, August 10, 2012

Park Systems Japan (PSJ), the leading atomic force microscope (AFM) and nano-metrology solutions partner for the most accurate AFM results, will host the second Japanese Users' Meeting, to be held at Belle Salle Kanda, Tokyo on August 10th, 2012.

“The meeting will be an informative and pleasurable day spent with Japanese users and the key staff members of Park,” commented Dr. Mineharu Suzuki, General Manager of PSJ. “Park believes in the continued support for our customers. The users meeting is a great chance to acknowledge the ground-breaking researches carried out by Park users and an excellent opportunity to learn about them,” he added.

The Japanese Users Meeting is open to all Park Systems users in Japan. It is also open to AFM researchers interested in sharing their research results and learning more about the new and latest of accurate AFM solutions from Park. 


The Second Japanese Users' Meeting' 

Date : August 10, 2012, Friday (1:00pm – 5:30pm)
Place : Belle Salle Kanda, 3F Room3, Kanda, Tokyo



Presentations by Users

1. Evaluation of Electrical Conduction Property of Organic Molecular Thin Films with Probe Microscopy

(Prof. Tadahiro Komeda, IMRAM, Tohoku University)


2. Growth of Graphene Nano-ribbon and Analysis of Its Structure and Electrical Property

(Prof. Satoru Tanaka, Kyushu University)


3. Development of Ultra compact and Highly Sensitive Interferometric Displacement Sensor and Its Application to Atomic Force Microscope

(Dr. Toshihiko Nakata, Yokohama Research Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd.)


Accurate Park AFM Technology and its Product Solutions
(Dr. Ryan Yoo, Vice President, Park Systems Corp)

