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[Mannheim, 6 April, 2020] In the face of these challenging times, to maintain a daily work routine at every research and engineering lab, Park Systems introduces a wide range of online interactive experiences to support knowledge exchange, safely and from the comfort of your home!

“Get yourself electrified by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)” is a unique program, which offers online AFM courses from Research to Industry Applications! From April to May 2020 researchers and engineers will be taken on the online journey (Part I) with webinars on advanced electrical modes of the future: sideband Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy (KPFM), advanced Piezoresponse Force Microscopy (PFM), and Scanning Capacitance Microscopy (SCM). On top of that, in Part II of the program the attendees will have an opportunity to be “electrified” by the AFM Automation of the Future (Part II)! The 3 Live Demo sessions will showcase how AFM automation can boost the quality and productivity of academic and industrial research!


Part I Electrified by NextGen Electrical Modes

Academic and industrial research focused on current and novel ferroelectric and semiconductor applications require high resolution electrical imaging for device characterization. The electrical atomic force microscopy modes Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy (KPFM), Scanning Capacitance Microscopy (SCM)and Piezoresponse Force Microscopy (PFM) visualize electrical and electromechanical properties on the nanoscale and thereby offer crucial insights for failure analysis, device optimization and investigation of novel materials. The live webinar series in Part II will introduce and demonstrate the, above mentioned, techniques on an NX20 Atomic Force Microscope by Park Systems. Read more.


Part II Electrified by Automation – Productivity & Quality Boost!

You will learn how automation features can easily be implemented into your workflow to boost the productivity in your lab. Often, the research projects require to measure many samples, repeat similar measurement patterns on a daily basis or even do quality control by checking the same measurement location for different samples over and over again. During Part II, with 3 live and interactive demos on Park’s research and industrial AFM tools, the attendees will learn about the capabilities of the automated software, starting on the research oriented SmartScanTM software with high flexibility, up to the industrial world of XEA software with alignment features and pattern recognition for quality control. Read more.

To round it up, the full online offer, from basic & educational, to advanced & industrial, can be found on the ONLINE NanoAcademy run by Park Systems! The online courses from Park Systems NanoAcademy help researchers to deepen their knowledge and stay up-to-date with the latest research and nanotechnological advances! Webinars, educational videos, on-demand content – all FOR FREE and with the dedication to people’s safety and social responsibility in those challenging times!

Contact information:
Park Systems Europe GmbH
Schildkrötstrasse 15, 68199 Mannheim, Germany
+49 621 490-896-50 pse@parksystems.com